
Evol is dedicated to the development of diverse and inclusive entrepreneurship in the 17 regions of Quebec and its mission is to contribute directly to the creation, growth and acquisition of businesses that have a positive impact on society.


Recognized for its direct impact on increasing the number of diversified and inclusive businesses in Quebec, Evol plays a leading role in entrepreneurship and actively participates in the economic vitality of our society and in creating a better world.


Empathy, integrity, collaboration, excellence and commitment are at the heart of all Evol’s considerations and actions.


To empower equity-seeking women and men entrepreneurs to actively participate in creating a better world.

Céline Juppeau | Kotmo

some numbers


$56,25M in financing granted


1 407 financed businesses


+ 9 502 jobs created and maintained


+ 88 500 entrepreneurs touched by our actions


$272,5M of investment spin-offs

Femmessor becomes Evol

Evol is the result of Femmessor’s evolution, an organization that has celebrated 25 years of existence.

The organization was born in the North Shore in 1995 from an initiative led by a group of businesswomen, entrepreneurs and socio-economic actors who combined their efforts and resources to create the very first specialized investment fund for women entrepreneurs.

Given the success of the initiative, the Quebec government decided to support this initiative and ensure the creation of similar organizations offering financing and guidance services for women entrepreneurs, and this, in each region of the province. Thus, between 2001 and 2013, Femmessor was progressively deployed throughout the 17 regions, placing Quebec as one of the most innovative ecosystems in the world in terms of support for women entrepreneurs. 

In 2016, the 17 regional organizations as well as the Femmessor network were merged into one. Then, the Fonds pour les femmes entrepreneures FQ was created through partnerships with Fondaction and Investissement Québec as an agent for the Quebec government. Femmessor then had access to nearly $19 million to support, through conventional loans, businesses with at least one woman in a strategic position and holding at least 25% of the shares and votes.

Then, in 2021, Femmessor expanded its service offering to support more women and men entrepreneurs among clients still underrepresented in entrepreneurship and updated its brand identity to become known as Evol.

Thanks to major partnerships with the Government of Quebec (for which Investissement Quebec is the agent), National Bank, BDC, Fondaction, and the Solidarity Fund QFL. Evol now has access to over $52.5 million to support, through conventional loans, businesses with at least one equity-seeking individual in a strategic position and holding at least 25% of the shares and votes.

Evol is therefore pursuing its ambition to transform the economy to make it more inclusive, equitable and sustainable.


Evol’s Board of Directors is composed of 14 members, the majority of whom are women and men entrepreneurs, who ensure the good governance of the organization. At Evol, we believe that diversity is a guarantee of innovation and success. We rely on the collective intelligence and complementary strengths of our team members.

Board of Directors 2023-2024

Evol’s CEO

Géraldine Martin

Géraldine Martin has been CEO of Evol since June 2023. With a degree in finance and a passion for communications, she worked in the media and economic development, determined to make a difference in the lives of entrepreneurs. Convinced that business owners play an essential, transformative role in social and sustainable economic development, Géraldine is now pursuing Evol’s mission to support businesses with diversified, inclusive ownership that want to have a positive impact on society.