1 844 523-7767 post 201

Regional manager | Chaudière-Appalaches

“People don’t necessarily know it, but I’ve always volunteered. For instance, I was involved with the Rotary Club for five years; I helped organize a walk in Beauce to raise money for the Société Alzheimer Chaudière-Appalaches, and I helped with Christmas baskets for Moisson Beauce for six years.”

At Université Laval, Dany Rodrigue completed a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s degree in administration, finance and insurance option. He worked for several banks during his career, including as an account and branch manager. With some 30 years of experience in the financial sector, Dany says, with a derisive grin, he can now read balance sheets with the ease of someone devouring an airport novel.

Meticulous in his work, the regional director for Chaudière-Appalaches does not skimp on preparation when it comes to putting together files in pre-analysis and interviews. The professionalism for which he is known doesn’t prevent him from having a great sense of humour and loving a good laugh. Human contact is one part of his duties that he particularly appreciates. He admires entrepreneurs for their courage, determination, and risk tolerance. He points out that, after all, many of them start businesses with no safety net. This is why he cares so much about helping them carry out their entrepreneurial projects.

Of the UN sustainable development goals, the elimination of poverty in all its forms around the world is the one he connects most with, as demonstrated by his years of volunteer work.

Regional manager

Place Iberville II, 1175, avenue Lavigerie, bureau 50
Québec (Québec)  G1V 4P1


1 844 523-7767 post 201