1 844 523-7767 post 222

Regional manager | Gaspésie – Île-de-la-Madeleine

“No matter the size of the business, I admire entrepreneurs. I have the privilege to feel as though all businesses I support are mine in a way, because I offer the best of my experience.”

Completing an administrative technical program in international trade, Mélanie Marin obtained three certificates at Université du Québec à Rimouski: in human resources, administration, and project management. She also holds a certificate in leadership and management skills from the Institut du Leadership, as well as diversity and inclusion certification from Formations Infopresse.

Her background in management and communication led her to the position of regional manager for Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine at Evol. Known for her candour, careful listening, and kindness, this professional makes a point of building trust with everyone she supports. She regularly conveys her experience to the entrepreneurs she coaches, to help them make informed decisions.

What excites Mélanie in Evol’s sustainable development approach is the idea of leaving a positive legacy for generations to come. Being part of an organization that positions itself has a vector of change to build a better world for everyone is a big driver for her. She believes that while the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are all laudable, the challenge lies in moving into action and awareness to start creating environmentally responsible businesses with impact.

Putting in countless hours as a volunteer on boards of directors in her sector, she also had the unique opportunity to carry the Olympic flame when it passed through Québec in 2010 for the Vancouver Olympic Games.

Regional office

473, boulevard Perron, C.P. 2141
Maria (Québec)  G0C 1Y0


1 844 523-7767 post 222