Élance’s mission: to create inclusive professional spaces

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Relying on the precision of data grounded in fact, empathy, and a drive for change, two young women from immigrant backgrounds have built a startup that is transforming the world of DEI. Meet Élance.

DEI: diversity, equity, inclusion.

Decried by some, heralded by others, the idea of DEI has made headway in most spheres and is transforming organizations from the inside. In response, the number of consulting firms that specialize in the area has grown, undeniably motivated by a keen sense of social justice (in the broad sense of the term). But their approach may be based more on good intentions than on rigour.

“When we founded Élance, we were certain of one thing: rigorousness would be at the core of our approach,” says Dahlia Jiwan. She and her partner Tina Pranjić wanted to do things differently.

Solid education

The two leaders of Élance have similar yet complementary university educations: sociology, industrial relations, women’s studies, and international development for Dahlia; gender studies, administration, queer theory, feminist approaches, and management for Tina. And for both women, their solid education was rendered more concrete by ongoing activism.

The immigrant experience: the need for vigilance

As second-generation immigrants, they saw the sacrifices their parents made for them. And they continue to see the many injustices regularly suffered by racialized people. “Systemic racism is a daily occurrence.”

That is what lies behind their activism and their deep conviction that we need to take things beyond necessary protests. “We wanted to turn our activism into action, change, and transformation. That’s how Élance came to be. We wanted to be vectors of change.”

Mission accomplished.

From idea to results

Élance was born in 2021 and immediately got results. In just 10 months of 2023, 100,000 people enjoyed a more inclusive environment thanks to the two entrepreneurs. One hundred thousand!

How did they manage to gain the trust of so many organizations with their startup? Because they are eloquent, they choose their words carefully, and their approach is structured, robust, and innovative.

The mission: include everyone

Élance’s mission is to create inclusive spaces in the workplace. To accomplish this, Dahlia and Tina have adopted a personalized approach based on an in-depth needs analysis of the business and an evaluation of its stage of development in DEI. Based on this diagnosis – unique to each organization – they propose relevant, effective services, lightyears from generic solutions.

Technology serving inclusion

It is not just its personalized approach that differentiates Élance in the world of DEI. “We spent a year developing an extremely powerful technology platform,” Dahlia says. “The platform enables us not just to collect data, but also to understand the nuances and complexities of the interpersonal dynamics in organizations. Then we can develop solutions that respect and value the diversity of experiences and identities of employees.”


But is it really necessary to hire external consultants to spot injustices and find solutions?

“I have never met an ill-intentioned leader,” says Dahlia. “But good intentions aren’t enough. Leaders want to get it right, but they don’t know where to start. We help open their eyes to phenomena that, historically, have slipped under the radar. We train teams and develop policies; we made concrete recommendations.”

Where will the business be in five years? “In five years? We want to be having an impact across North America,” the young entrepreneur says. “Things are moving fast. It has all been a bit breathless, but inspiring, too. We know we are in the right place, at the right time. And we know our work is appreciated and makes a difference! Thousands of people are happier thanks to Élance. That’s what counts.”

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Thanks to the engagement of invaluable partners: Économie Québec, through its agent Investissement Québec, the Government of Canada, National Bank, the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, and Fondaction, Evol has a large envelope to support, through conventional loans, businesses with inclusive, diversified ownership that generate positive social and environmental impacts in line with the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDG).

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To learn more about Élance