Le Marché des Saveurs Gaspésiennes: a business with a human impact

Le Marché des Saveurs - Claudia Romero, Ricardo Granja et mélanie Marin
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Claudia Romero was born in Peru to entrepreneurial parents. She always knew she would follow in their footsteps. It was just a matter of choosing the type of business and the location.

But she had no idea that she would be the owner of a business in Gaspé, Quebec!

This is her story.

When she was studying in Ecuador, Claudia realized that she liked immersing herself in other cultures and places and that it drove her to excel. She felt a strong desire to have other similar experiences, and she convinced her spouse Ricardo Granja to join her in the adventure.

First drawn to the idea of coming to Quebec for Ricardo’s graduate studies at the master’s level, the couple finally decided to take the plunge and started the official immigration process.

When they arrived in Quebec, they were welcomed by members of Claudia’s family who live in Montreal. Already accustomed to big cities, the couple didn’t feel it was a sufficient change of scenery, but they used their time in Montreal to learn French and familiarize themselves with the resources available.

Both aquaculture engineers, Claudia and Ricardo looked into the job opportunities in Quebec and decided they wanted to be closer to large bodies of water. The couple ended up choosing Gaspé for their first professional challenge in the province.

“We lived in a little place in the basement, without much light, but it didn’t bother us,” Claudia tells me, smiling. “We were happy. We felt at home. And we could see the ocean every day.”

The pair worked for almost a year, each in their respective roles of observer, before trying other jobs. “Every experience added to our skills and personal development. When you have a vision, it is a good idea to seize opportunities that can fuel your dream!”

Claudia worked in customer service and tourism jobs. She even taught French to foreign workers based in Gaspé. “It is really important to me to learn French, to know how to speak and write it well,” she says. “It is a language with its share of challenges, but I don’t want to have any barriers to my projects and ambitions. Being fluent is a priority.”

At the same time, the couple was still dreaming of their own business. Over the years, business ideas kept popping up: agricultural farm, real estate, aquaculture project, etc. “I am glad we worked on these projects (even if they never came to fruition), because I learned a lot, particularly in terms of business. So I was ready when the opportunity came up to buy Le Marché des Saveurs Gaspésiennes. And industry partners weren’t surprised to see me involved in this project!”

A customer of this local business since her arrival in Gaspé, Claudia said “yes” without hesitation to the owner’s proposal that she take it over. “I already liked the business enough to go there once a week. When he told me he wanted to sell, I said “yes” without even consulting my husband,” she says, her eyes laughing.

While the purchase took place in the middle of the pandemic, Claudia is pleased with their choice. “We learned a lot, and I love learning! It was hard, because we had to manage product and labour shortages, and frequent changes in prices and public health rules made your head spin. But you can’t panic, and you have to take things one at a time. I am pleased with what we accomplished. We even managed to integrate our values and put our imprint on a well-established business.”

Le Marché des Saveurs now has 14 dedicated employees. “It’s like a family,” she says.

And they have no shortage of projects! For example, they are planning to open a concession at Parc Forillon during the summer and to welcome new foreign staff. “The labour shortage is a major challenge, and we decided to address it by welcoming employees from other countries. We are going to support these people and ensure they do well in their new home. We talked a lot with local organizations so we could be well prepared. I think it was also a nice experience for our existing employees. It will be a nice collective project, and we will all grow from it. I’m eager for them to arrive.”

Having a positive impact on people is Claudia’s greatest source of satisfaction. “I like to see the happiness in the eyes of customers when they discover one of our products. Food is happiness!” This is why Claudia and her husband carefully select all their products. “We want quality suppliers and products. Taste is also healthy!”

“We pay attention to every decision and action that can have an impact on the environment, but for us that is the basis. We shouldn’t question ourselves in these areas; we have to do what it takes. What’s most important to us is the human side of things. We have to take care of each other and offer a healthy work environment. The development of every employee is a priority for us.”

“I am currently working on a plan with the employees to visit some of our suppliers and learn about them. I saw glimmers in the eyes of team members when I suggested the idea. A lot of them are students, and you never know what these visits could spark in them. If I can help them find a source of fulfillment, nothing would make me happier!”

For Claudia and Ricardo, one thing is clear: showing people love pays off, and the returns are lasting.

After this encounter, one thing is clear: Claudia and Ricardo are Gaspesians motivated to make a difference in their community. This couple will no doubt keep surprising us!

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Thanks to the engagement of invaluable partners: Économie Québec, through its agent Investissement Québec, the Government of Canada, National Bank, the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, and Fondaction, Evol has a large envelope to support, through conventional loans, businesses with inclusive, diversified ownership that generate positive social and environmental impacts in line with the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDG).

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To find out more about Marché des saveurs Gaspésiennes: