Company: e180

Sector of activity: Connection platform

Head office: Montreal

Number of employees: 42

Her commitment

Aligned with UN sustainable development goal 4 (quality education)

I commit to promoting peer learning by valuing each person’s knowledge to better respond to social issues.

“I believe that by changing how we learn, we can respond to 90% of the social issues we face, at home and around the world.”

– Christine Renaud, Cofounder and CEO of e180

Connecting people to learn from each other

Social impact before wealth creation

At age seven, Christine Renaud offered to create buttons for classmates for the protection of the environment. By the age of 30, she had founded e180, a technology company that transforms how people learn and that has hundreds of thousands of users around the world. She sees entrepreneurship as a lever for social impact before being a wealth creation tool. It is therefore not surprising that her business is certified B Corp, pointing to its inclusive, equitable and responsible socially approach.

Experience-based, collaborative learning

Reconnecting learning with basic human needs to contribute to the development of the values of empathy, pleasure, courage, and inclusivity: this is Christine Renaud’s mission. Braindate, its flagship product, is the first social network devoted to creating connections between people to help them share their knowledge and learn from each other. To participate, users just need to create a profile, publish or find an inspiring topic, and propose times for virtual or in-person meetings.

Braindate, business version

Over the years, the digital platform evolved to serve audiences for events and conferences, such as C2 Montréal, enabling its exponential growth. Since 2013, e180 has served over 200,000 users and worked with close to 170 clients in some 20 countries, including organizations such as the Obama Foundation, TED, General Electric, Salesforce, Airbnb, Cisco, Adobe and the World Bank. A promising new product, Quest, was launched in 2021 to support families who want to mobilize their community around learning projects with their children, in a fun, engaging way.

Inclusive leadership

Led in the majority by women, who have a presence on the board of directors, the executive committee, and the leadership team, e180 supports their hiring for technology jobs. The company has created an internal equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) committee, which supervises many initiatives that affect the diversification of recruitment, calling on organizations such as Communautize, Youth on the Rise, and, soon, Queertech. Mentoring, flexible schedules, continuous learning, and physical and mental well-being are among the employee benefits. And that’s not all! Christine Renaud’s company promotes local procurement from responsible partners, she put in place a carbon offset program, she encourages volunteering and offers zero-waste workshops to employees to encourage them to engage in responsible consumption at work and at home.

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