Financing: one of the building blocks of business growth

When you go into business, it’s to succeed. But depending on the sector, from 30% to 40% of businesses fail after a few years. What explains why two organizations – similar in every respect – can meet opposing fates, one enjoying spectacular success, the other going downhill and eventually closing? “Financing may be the reason,” … Continued

Business loan approval = Cash available? True or false

False! And this is one of the most important things entrepreneurs realize when they get their first business financing.  It makes sense that this would be surprising, because, in general, for personal loans, once approved, the borrower quickly has access to the money. The business financing process is more like a mortgage loan that involves … Continued

Reconciling profits and social responsibility: issues and challenges

The purpose of a business has traditionally been to make profits. But today, performance is not measured solely in numbers: it is judged by a series of factors that reach well beyond simple financials.  Salmata Ouedraogo presents this new reality, where profits and social responsibility are two sides of the same coin. Dr. Ouedraogo is a … Continued

Why and how to implement a sustainable development effort in your company

Sustainable development: the term has been on everyone’s lips for years. And yet, as of 2020, only a minority of Quebec businesses had completed a formal sustainable development effort.  Beyond theory and principles, there is the reality on the ground: many managers don’t know how to implement environmentally responsible practices.  Dominique Cyr, an MBA in … Continued

4 approaches to launching into impact entrepreneurship

Like many entrepreneurs, you want to do your part for the environment and social justice. But perhaps you aren’t sure where to start. Given the wide range of ethical and environmentally responsible practices, you may not know what changes to make that don’t involve significant investments of time and money. Before jumping on the ecological … Continued

5 common errors in financing business projects

Do you have plans to grow or explore an opportunity for your company? Or maybe you want to start or acquire a business? Do you need financing to carry out your project?  Whether or not this is your first application for financing, it is a good idea to know the mistakes other entrepreneurs have made … Continued

Can you drive your car without looking at the dashboard?

When you drive your car, your eyes regularly scan the dashboard. Am I driving too fast? Am I going to run out of gas? Your brain analyzes many pieces of information in a fraction of a second. As an entrepreneur, sometimes you also have to make rapid decisions. Do you have a dashboard with indicators … Continued

Obtaining business financing – 5 things you need to know

Have you heard the expression, “It takes money to make money?” Whether your business is in the startup or growth phase, you need to invest to bring a project to life, develop a product, or deliver services.  Your investment can take different forms, whether in the hours that go into developing a product or service … Continued

Strategic planning: practical guide for getting oriented

Strategic planning tends to be seen as a mountain, an unwieldy, complex process, with a clear start, but an unclear end, the outcome of which will collect dust on the shelf.  But it can be a hugely beneficial and relatively simple exercise, if you have the right recipe. Éric Préville has the ingredients for this … Continued