Marie-Elyse Forget

Biography Founder and marketing strategist at Octaza Marketing and an entrepreneur at heart, Marie-Elyse is also a lecturer at HEC Montréal, a mother, a passionate martial artist, and lover of Brazilian dance. She believes that breaking down limits and false perceptions always leads to something better. She has a solid academic background (a bachelor’s degree … Continued

Nathalie Sirois

Biography Nathalie loves people. What motivates consumers? What are their challenges? How can a product or service contribute to their well-being? She is fascinated by human behaviour. She also loves supporting entrepreneurs in developing their business and becoming more effective. Her leadership, strategic perspective, and ability to optimize processes are an asset for both Audace … Continued

Suzie Beaudoin

Biography An executive business coach in Neurolinguistic Programming, Suzie’s personalized executive coaching service is for leaders of businesses in growth and hypergrowth, as well as members of their management team. Since 2014, she has been supporting entrepreneurs in: Her mission is to increase the capacities and resources of executives through action and concrete strategies, to … Continued